martes, 19 de agosto de 2008

Los Expedientes Secretos X 2 - X Files 2


Director: Chris Carter

Actor principal / First Actor: David Duchovni, Gilian Anderson

Género / Gender: Suspenso, Suspense

Descripción / Description:

Scully y Molder están de nuevo en otra aventura, y otro misterio inexplicable que resolver. Después de su retiro del FBI, una agente del mismo es secuestrada y ellos deben rescatarla antes de que sea tarde. Con la ayuda de un padre presidiario que ve visiones, encontraran algo tremendo y escalofriante. Si viste esta serie, quizá te guste verlos de nuevo en la pantalla grande.


Scully and Molder are again in another adventure, and another inexplicable mystery that to solve. After they retirement of the FBI, an agent of this is kidnapped and they must rescue her before it is late. With the help of a father convict who sees visions, they will find slightly tremendously and chillingly. If you dresses this series, probably you like to see them again on the big screen.

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